P-05-905 Call for an Independent judicial Inquiry into the reorganisation of services within Cwm Taf Health Board, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 19.11.19


Thank you for sending this to me. I have already followed the debate on this petition and am pleased to note that further consideration is to be given. I note that Mike Hedges AM suggested that a further two weeks be given to allow further response, I and Mark Adams welcome this and wish to submit the following further information.

Today we note that two further reports by the Health Inspectorate Wales and Wales Audit Commission are now in the public domain which are seriously critical about the way some departments at Royal Glamorgan (and Prince Charles) were run, particularly in respect of patient care, the reporting of incidents and an apparent culture of fear. These reports I am sure will be considered by the  committee when further consideration of the petition is to be considered.

Further consideration needs to be given to the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided by the changes imposed on Royal Glamorgan Hospital since the advent of the South Wales Programme. It is clear that the changes have resulted in experienced staff leaving the service or taking early retirement as they feel they can no longer work under the day to day pressures of delivering services in a climate of fear and intimidation. Recent conversations we have had with staff indicate there is still a climate of uncertainty about what services are going to be provided and where, they feel that senior management are unsupportive and the main reason they feel this is happening is because of the ill thought out impact that South Wales Programme would have on their ability to deliver on behalf of the public.

It is clear and evident that failure to manage and deliver health services at Royal Glamorgan in a safe and effective manner is having on the residents of Rhondda and Rhondda Cynon Taff. The frontline staff at this hospital are excellent and professional but sadly they and the public have been let down by changes that were totally unnecessary and poorly managed.